Wednesday 9 May 2007

Late Junctionesque Recital

This is a cd called Play by pianist Joanna MacGregor. A very mixed recital that could have been made for the Radio 3 programme Late Junction. Some might accuse it of being too artfully trendy, attempting to tick all the right boxes. I find it a good record to have playing away while concentrating on some mundane domestic task ( or even typing a blog ) It doesn't perhaps hang together for as a coherent recital for close concentration. There are pieces by what might be termed maverick figures like Nancarrow, Ives, Ligeti, Piazzolla and Cage. Also pieces by contemporary composers like Skempton, early music like Byrd, Dowland and Bach and world music collaborations with Japanese, Indian and African influences. I guess you can't really say that is going gung ho for any obvious "crossover" market, although the thought is still out there in certain circles that she has an art for self publicity.

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