Wednesday 3 October 2007

Having a Look

Messiaen's monumental solo piano work Vingt Regards Sur L'Enfant-Jesus is a difficult title to translate exactly. Twenty "looks at", "apects of", "takes on", "gazes at" the Christ child ? Whatever, it is clear that Messiaen's inspiration was profoundly spiritual and centred on the babe in the manger and what he represents. Steven Osborne is the soloist here and he masters the technical difficulties and sheer length of the piece ( over two hours encompassing two cd's ) with admirable aplomb. I bought the disk because of the obvious importance it holds in 20th century music and because of interest in the literary descriptions that Messiaen attaches to each of the twenty "regards" but have to admit that it is easier to admire than to enjoy. Maybe at heart I am a simple soul musically and need to hear something that moves me emotionally and there seems something soulless at the heart of much of this. It remains recognisably Messiaen though with hints of themes from the Turangalila symphony and also the ubiquitous bird song. I'm looking forward to the centenary celebrations for Messiaen next year which may well help put his music into a fuller context for me and some of the works which I have on disk but currently struggle with may make more sense.

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