Monday, 3 May 2010

Superior Chamber Jazz

It could be said that trumpeter Enrico Rava and pianist Stefano Bollani occupy typical ECM jazz territory. I think that their form of Euro jazz remains closer to the source than some of the more new age offerings on the label, though I like much of both styles. This disk, titled The Third Man, sees Rava playing mainly slow introspective syle trumpet, sometimes literally muted but more often just muted in style. Such outbreaks of fireworks as they are come from clusters of piano playing by Bollani who also provides what percussive effects there are in the absence of a conventional rhythm section. It could be described as chamber jazz which would be fair to the musicianship but there is plenty of traditional jazz interplay and improvisation between the two players. The emotional content is also higher than imposing the term chamber jazz might imply. Late night or lazy sunny afternoon listening rather than music to leap around to but if you know what you are getting it is quietly rewarding.

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