Saturday, 20 February 2010

Doing What It Says On The Tin

Sometimes there is a fine disk but not very much to say about it. A case in point in this disk of Murray Perahia playing Bach Partitas for solo piano numbers 2, 3 and 4. It does pretty much what it says on the tin. Most will be familiar with the soundworld that this is likely to contain. I could talk about how Bach composed these as teaching aids and never envisaged a performing tradition. Which is pertinent I feel to any arguments about the validity of playing his keyboard pieces on a modern concert grand. The finger exercises and so on are just as valid whatever the keyboard is attached to. I just feel that Bach transcends such thoughts and whatever one's preferences his music can be enjoyed on many platforms. I love Perahia's way with Bach, crystalline clarity but a warm timbre and ego kept very firmly in check so that all technique is devoted to the cause of the music. The sort of disk to convince one that for a short time all is well with the world.

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