Tuesday, 5 June 2007

Religiously Instrumental

A fine album of solo piano from Steven Osborne playing Harmonies Poetiques et Religieuses by Liszt. Comes on two cd's since it is a little over 80 minutes in length but priced as a single cd. The question of how much purely instrumental music can convey feelings of religious conviction is difficult. People also had trouble reconciling the hedonistic side of Liszt's character with his religiosity but there seems little real doubting his faith, certainly as time went on. These pieces certainly avoid the flamboyant fireworks that some may think of when considering Liszt and Steven Osborne is the sort of thoughtful player who excels in this kind of repertoire. The longest piece, Benediction de Dieu dans la Solitude, is central to the collection and does begin to illustrate that sense of thankfulness for and peace with the world.

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