Monday, 28 May 2007

The Eccentric Virtuoso

More wonderful 18th century sophistication in the form of Veracini Sonatas played by John Holloway violin, Jaap ter Linden cello and Lars Ulrik Mortensen harpsichord. They are a long established performing trio now with several fine recordings. Veracini was one of the first musicians to gain a living independently of a specific appointment to court or church, travelling extensively in Europe most notably to London, Venice, Florence and Dresden. A virtuoso violinist as well as composer, he developed a rivalry with Handel and reportedly also fell foul of jealous musicians in Dresden who "may" have made an attempt on his life, his exit from a first floor window remaining unexplained. Some of his eccentricity spills over into his music but there is much that is original. One of those composers more famous in his own time than now relative to others, he may be regaining a foothold in the early music field.

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