Sunday 30 March 2008

A Freebie That's Almost A Benchmark

This will not be a lengthy post because the BBC Music mag cover disk in question consists of just one work, Messiaen's monumental Turangalila Symphony about which I have already written when considering the commercial recording I have. I do happen to know however that many Messiaen enthusiasts rate this performance very highly indeed and listening to it again now, it certainly sounds of the highest quality. The performers are the BBC National Orchestra of Wales conducted by Thierry Fischer. I have rarely heard the ondes martenot, played here by Jacques Tchamkerten, so distinctly articulated in a recording, all the more remarkable since it is taken from a live concert. The piano part is also superbly played by Messiaen specialist Roger Muraro. If you don't already have a performance of the Turangalila and are at all interested, this is well worth tracking down from the byways of the internet.

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