Saturday 15 September 2007

Very Distinctive Voice Type

A lovely recital of arias, madrigals and cantatas by Sara Mingardo, accompanied by Concerto Italiano directed by Rinaldo Alessandrini. The marquee names among he featured composers on the cover are Monteverdi, Handel and Vivaldi but there are also pieces by Merula, Salvatore, Carissimi, cavalli and Legrenzi. For this recording it is a fairly basic stripped down version of Concerto Italiano featuring just two violins, cello, theorbo and harpsichord. The distinctive contralto voice of Sara Mingardo is joined by mezzo Monica Bacelli on one Monteverdi duet. The recital is a showcase for Mingardo and the androgynous sound of her voice that is very warm and mellow. Many of the lyrics are languidly erotic and there is a sensual feel to the whole disk. The standout to me though is the very first track, a lullaby by Merula that depicts the Virgin Mary singing to the Christ child and foretelling the sacrifices to come. A timeless piece that transcends terms like early music and even classical music and is just something guaranteed to move the soul.

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