Saturday, 21 February 2015

Ib And Tib again

Szymanowski : The complete music for violin and piano.

Performers : Alina Ibragimova violin, Cedric Tiberghien piano.

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Seasonal Variations

Tchaikovsky ; Les Saisons, Six Morceaux.

Performer : Pavel Kolesnikov, piano.

Debut recording of a career worth following.

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Romantic As Ever

Rachmaninov : Symphony No 2 , Dances from Aleko.

Performers : Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Vasily Petrenko

Friday, 13 February 2015

Into The French Salon

Guillaume Lekeu : Violin Sonata
Ravel : Violin Sonatas 1 & 2, Tzigane, Berceuse sur le nom de Gabriel Faure

Performers : Alina Ibragimova violin, Cedric Tiberghien piano

Thursday, 12 February 2015

One For The Library

Dvorak string quartet op 96, American and string quintet op 97.

Performers : Keller Quartet augmented in the quintet by Anna Deeva viola.

BBC Radio 3 building a library selection.

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Touched By War

Flowers of the Field. Loosely themed on WW1.

Butterworth : A Shropshire Lad - Rhapsody for Orchestra
Finzi : Requiem da Camera
Gurney : The Trumpet
Vaughan Williams : An Oxford Elegy

Performers : London Mozart Players, City of London Choir , conducted by Hilary Davan Wetton.
Roderick Williams baritone, Jeremy Irons narrator.

Tuesday, 10 February 2015


Jean - Fery Rebel : Les Elemens - simphonie nouvelle

Andre Cardinal Destouches : Les Elemens - opera ballet

Performers : The Academy Of Ancient Music directed by Christopher Hogwood harpsichord

Monday, 9 February 2015

A Chip Off The Old Prok

Prokofiev Violin Sonatas 1 and 2 and Five Melodies.

Performers : Alina Ibragimova violin, Steven Osborne piano.

Peerless chamber music making.